Airship Dragoon version 1.4 changelog (save game files should be safe) Fixed finance issues in very easy and medium easy setting for Single Battle Mode. Fixed start of turn, click anywhere to dismiss new turn warning not covering whole screen. Fixed issue with total targets for a team not always reflecting the sum of all individual trooper targets. Fixed impact audio reloading so that in subsequent missions after the first the impact sound was very loud and strange. Changed increased volume of bullet and debris impacts. Changed removed duplicate audio dynamic datablock types. Changed removed obsolete audio data file. Changed enemy now always charge towards their defences at the first turn. Changed enemy now always charge when attacking the player's flag at the first turn to give the player less time to organize a defence. Added total enemy spotted to new turn warning screen. At the start of a new turn, player is told how many enemies his troops can see. Added compass setting to show the heading/orientation of the camera. Changed passive hud to display new camera compass GUI. Added check for modded terrain materials to overwrite originals. Added camera shake when selected trooper shoots. Changed increased camera shake when trooper is hit to make it more noticeable. Changed increased camera shake on bullet impacts. Added trooper's deployment position (central, left flank, right flank) now shows on their selected button in the Deployment Screen as [C], [L] or [R] respectively. Changed rank is now abbreviated on selected troopers in deployment screen to make room for Deployment Position abbreviation [C], [L] or [R]. Changed class is now abbreviated on selected troopers in deployment screen to make room for Deployment Position abbreviation [C], [L] or [R]. Changed Telephonicatron artillery accurate +50% in clear weather, as before in cloudy, -50% in stormy or night. Changed increased pistol range from 50 to 100 metres to make it a little more useful. Changed decreased pistol actions to fire from 12 to 10 to make it a little more useful. Changed chances an enemy Ai will choose to deploy with a pistol at night and stormy maps. Fixed enemy Ai Militia from making obsolete equipment options duing Ai deployment. Changed minor tweaks to some particle effects. Fixed removed redundant aim clearing functions. Fixed jerky aim clearing after shooting. Added map displaying positions and information of allied troops and known/spotted/targeted enemy troops. Added make an ally trooper the controlled one by clicking on it on the map. Added two levels of togglable zoom to map. Added open map button over trooper heading gui. Added list of old targets known this turn. Fixed wounded allies no longer yell in pain when their health is adjusted on loading a saved game. Changed moving troopers will not stop if they see a target they had spotted earlier in the same turn but had lost sight of during their movement. Changed action camera orbit distance to be the same distance as selecting a new trooper (eg: a little further away). Changed refractored entire item system to make it moddable for single items or game total conversions. Changed refractored start up initiation to check for modded items and game total conversions. Added created script objects to store faction/regime information so that it can be modded. eg: regime names, flags, button logos, info overview, trooper fore and surnames, etc. Added infiniteAmmo variable for modded weapons that use the stock firing system but don't use ammunition. Added classRestricted variable for items. Changed removed old hard-coded class restriction system for items. Fixed selecting a class restricted item for the correct class from the ALL items list failed. Changed enemy Ai with shorter ranged weapons will start the battle by rushing forwards to close the distance to the player's troops. Fixed virtualizing move was getting the wrong variable for calculating moveable distance. Changed each trooper type may now be based on multiple datablocks and use different character models based on trooper class. Changed each trooper type may now be based on multiple datablocks and use different character models based on randomization if datablock class not set. Added all 60 LODS of trooper character models so that their textures can be based on class derived from a datablock being used by multiple classes. Added all 60 LODS of trooper trooper character models so that their textures can be randomized if not based on class. Changed refractored all 60 LODS of character models for a new motion capture animation friendly skeletal structure. Added motion captured animations for more aesthetic animation. Added 26 spectacular death animations. Changed removed obsolete old animation files. Changed seperated temperate and tropic textures for stealth armour. Fixed issue with armour variable being overwritten by itself on character creation. Changed removed unused common troop directory and related obsolete files. Added new check for finding a virtualized position halfway along the path when recast fails due to long paths with large height differences amongst visit points. Added User Interface prompt over buy item buttons in equipment deployment screen to remind player to select a trooper first. Fixed issues with deselecting a trooper in equipment deployment screen. Fixed bug issue where ammunition weight was being incorrectly reported.